ESET SysInspector v1.0.0.3 Beta
Following are descriptions for main nodes in Navigation Window and related information in Description and Details Windows.
Running Processes
This node contains information about applications and processes running at the time of generating the report. In Description Window you may find additional details for each process like dynamic libraries used by the process and its location in the system, name of the vendor, risk level of the file etc.
Detail Window contains additional information for item selected in Description Window like size of the file or its hash.
Network Connections
Description Window contains list of processes and applications communicating over the network using protocol selected in Navigation window (TCP or UDP) along with remote address where the application is connected to. You can check DNS assigning IP addresses.
Detail Window contains additional information for each process selected in Description Window like size of the file or its hash.
Important Registry Entries
Contains list of selected registry entries which are often related to various problems with your system like those specifying programs running after start of the computer or browser helper objects (BHO) etc.
In description window you may find which files are related to specific registry entry. You may see further details for such file in Details Window.
Description Window Contains list of files registered as Windows Services. You may check the way the service is set to start along with specific details for the file in Details Window.
List of drivers installed in the system.
Critical files
Description window displays content of critical files related to Microsoft Windows operating system.
System information
Contains detailed information about hardware and software along with information about set environmental variables and user rights.
File details
List of important system files and files in Program Files folder. Additional information specific for the file can be found in Description and Details Windows.
Information about ESET SysInspector itself.
~Support Windows Vista/XP/2003/2000~
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